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National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
Chapter I: Preliminary
Chapter II: National Nursing and Midwifery Commission
- Section 3: National Nursing and Midwifery Commission
- Section 4: Composition of National Commission
- Section 5: Search-cum Selection Committee for appointment of Chairperson and Members of National Commission
- Section 6: Term of office and conditions of service of Chairperson and Members of National Commission
- Section 7: Removal of Chairperson or Member of National Commission
- Section 8: Secretary and other employees of National Commission
- Section 9: Meetings of National Commission, administration, etc
- Section 10: Powers and functions of National Commission
Chapter III: Autonomous Boards
- Section 11: Autonomous Boards
- Section 12: Composition of Autonomous Boards
- Section 13: Term of office and conditions of service of President and Members
- Section 14: Advisory committees of experts
- Section 15: Staff of Autonomous Boards
- Section 16: Meetings, etc., of Autonomous Boards
- Section 17: Powers of Autonomous Boards and delegation of powers
- Section 18: Powers and functions of Nursing and Midwifery Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education Board
- Section 19: Powers and functions of Nursing and Midwifery Assessment and Rating Board
- Section 20: Powers and functions of Nursing and Midwifery Ethics and Registration Board
- Section 21: Permission for establishment of new nursing or midwifery institution
- Section 22: Criteria for approving or disapproving proposal
Chapter IV: State Nursing and Midwifery Commissions
Chapter V: Registration
Chapter VI: Recognition of Nursing and Midwifery Qualifications
- Section 28: Recognition of nursing and Midwifery qualifications granted by Universities or nursing and midwifery institutions in India
- Section 29: Recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by nursing and midwifery institutions outside India
- Section 30: Recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by statutory or other body in India
- Section 31: Withdrawal of recognition granted to nursing and midwifery qualification granted by nursing and midwifery institutions in India
- Section 32: Special provision in certain cases for recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications
- Section 33: Derecognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by nursing and midwifery institutions outside India
Chapter VII: Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council
Chapter VIII: Grants, Audit and Accounts
Chapter IX: Miscellaneous
- Section 41: Power of Central Government to give directions to National Commission, Autonomous Boards and Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council
- Section 42: Power of Central Government to give directions to State Governments
- Section 43: Power of National Commission to give directions to State Commissions
- Section 44: Information to be furnished by National Commission and publication thereof
- Section 45: Obligation of Universities and nursing and midwifery institutions
- Section 46: Completion of courses of studies in nursing and midwifery institutions
- Section 47: Chairperson, Members, officers of National Commission and of Autonomous Boards, to be public servants
- Section 48: Protection of action taken in good faith
- Section 49: Cognizance of offences
- Section 50: Power of Central Government to supersede National Commission
- Section 51: Power of Central Government to make rules
- Section 52: Power to make regulations
- Section 53: Power of State Government to make rules
- Section 54: Laying of rules, regulations and notifications before Parliament
- Section 55: Power to remove difficulties
- Section 56: Repeal and saving
- Section 57: Transitory provisions
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National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
Act Information
# Chapters: 9
# Sections: 57
* Only for reference.
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nursing (376 )
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act (82 )
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regulations (76 )
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commission (53 )
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national commission (45 )
board (45 )
provided (45 )
postgraduate (39 )
person (38 )
registration (37 )
midwifery commission (36 )