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Section 47 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
47. Chairperson, Members, officers of National Commission and of Autonomous Boards, to be public servants.-
The Chairperson, Members, officers and other employees of the National Commission and State Commissions, and the President, Members and officers and other employees of the Autonomous Boards, shall be deemed, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
Related Sections
- Section 18: Powers and functions of Nursing and Midwifery Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education Board
- Section 30: Recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by statutory or other body in India
- Section 40: Furnishing of returns and reports to Central Government
- Section 32: Special provision in certain cases for recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications
- Section 45: Obligation of Universities and nursing and midwifery institutions
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* Only for reference.