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Section 45 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
45. Obligation of Universities and nursing and midwifery institutions.-
Every University and nursing and midwifery institution governed under this Act shall maintain a website at all times and display on its website all such information as may be required by the National Commission or an Autonomous Board, as the case may be.
Related Sections
- Section 15: Staff of Autonomous Boards
- Section 26: Rights of persons to have licence to practice and to be enrolled in National Register or State Register for Nursing and Midwifery Professionals and their obligations thereto
- Section 42: Power of Central Government to give directions to State Governments
- Section 29: Recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by nursing and midwifery institutions outside India
- Section 5: Search-cum Selection Committee for appointment of Chairperson and Members of National Commission
Related Acts
* Only for reference.