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Section 16 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
16. Meetings, etc., of Autonomous Boards.-
(1) Every Autonomous Board shall meet at least once in a month at such time and place as it may appoint.
(2) Every decision of the Autonomous Boards shall be made by majority of votes of its respective President and Members.
(3) Subject to the provisions of section 21, a person aggrieved by any decision of an Autonomous Board, may prefer an appeal to the National Commission against such decision within thirty days of the communication of that decision and the National Commission shall, after giving an opportunity of being heard, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty days from the date of such appeal.
Related Sections
- Section 46: Completion of courses of studies in nursing and midwifery institutions
- Section 11: Autonomous Boards
- Section 25: National Register and State Register
- Section 30: Recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by statutory or other body in India
- Section 48: Protection of action taken in good faith
Related Acts
* Only for reference.