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Section 3 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
Chapter II
National Nursing and Midwifery Commission
3. National Nursing and Midwifery Commission.-
(1) The Central Government shall constitute a Commission, to be known as the National Nursing and Midwifery Commission, with effect from such date as it may, by notification, appoint, for exercising such powers and discharging such duties as are laid down under this Act.
(2) The National Commission shall be a body corporate by the name aforesaid, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power, subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and shall, by the said name, sue or be sued.
(3) The head office of the National Commission shall be at New Delhi.
Related Sections
- Section 41: Power of Central Government to give directions to National Commission, Autonomous Boards and Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council
- Section 18: Powers and functions of Nursing and Midwifery Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education Board
- Section 46: Completion of courses of studies in nursing and midwifery institutions
- Section 27: Bar to practice
- Section 56: Repeal and saving
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