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Section 33 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
33. Derecognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications granted by nursing and midwifery institutions outside India.-
Where, after verification with the authority in any country outside India, the National Commission is of the opinion that a recognised nursing and midwifery qualification which is included in the list maintained by it is to be derecognised, it may, by order, derecognize such nursing and midwifery qualification and remove it from the list maintained by the National Commission with effect from the date of such order.
Related Sections
- Section 44: Information to be furnished by National Commission and publication thereof
- Section 36: Meetings of Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council
- Section 17: Powers of Autonomous Boards and delegation of powers
- Section 4: Composition of National Commission
- Section 41: Power of Central Government to give directions to National Commission, Autonomous Boards and Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Council
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* Only for reference.