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Section 10 - National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
10. Powers and functions of National Commission.-
(1) The National Commission shall take all such steps as it may think fit for ensuring coordinated and integrated development of education and maintenance of the standards of delivery of services, with periodic revisions, as may be specified by regulations.
(2) The National Commission may make regulations for the purposes of performing the following functions, namely:-
(a) to frame policies and regulate standards for the governance of nursing and midwifery education and training;
(b) to regulate nursing and midwifery institutions, researches, professionals and associates;
(c) to identify and regulate any other category of nursing and midwifery profession;
(d) to provide basic standards of education, physical and instructional facilities, assessment, examination, training, research, continuing professional education and maximum tuition fee payable in respect of various categories;
(e) to provide standards for nursing and midwifery faculty and clinical facility in teaching institutions;
(f) to provide for a uniform mechanism for admission into the nursing and midwifery institutions at various levels.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this clause, it is clarified that the authority as may be designated by the Central Government shall make admissions into nursing and midwifery institutions in such uniform manner at all India level, and the authority as may be designated by the State Government shall make admissions in the same manner into nursing and midwifery institutions at State level;
(g) to provide for a mechanism, either through final year undergraduate exam or otherwise, to ensure adequate competence of the nursing and midwifery professionals for enrolment in the National Register or State Register, as the case may be, and for granting licence to practice as a nursing and midwifery professional;
(h) to collaborate with industry and other institutions for use of cutting-edge technology and hybrid education to drive innovation and research in the field of nursing and midwifery;
(i) to integrate soft skills and elective courses in the curriculum of nursing and midwifery qualifications and to take measures to enhance skills and competency of registered professional for facilitating global mobility;
(j) to assess the nursing and midwifery requirements in healthcare, including human resources for various healthcare settings, provide mechanisms for career development pathways for all nursing and midwifery related cadres including appropriate lateral entry as applicable and advise the Central Government on matters pertaining thereto;
(k) to ensure policies and codes to ensure observance of professional ethics in nursing and midwifery profession and to promote ethical conduct during the provision of care by nursing and midwifery professionals, including nursing associates and midwifery associates;
(l) to promote, co-ordinate and frame guidelines and lay down policies for the proper functioning of the National Commission, the Autonomous Boards, the Advisory Council and the State Commissions;
(m) to ensure coordination among the Autonomous Boards;
(n) to take such measures, as may be necessary, to ensure compliance of the guidelines framed and regulations made under this Act by the State Commissions for their effective functioning;
(o) to exercise appellate jurisdiction with respect to the decisions of Autonomous Boards; and
(p) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
(3) The National Commission may delegate such of its functions, except the power to make regulations, to the Autonomous Boards as it may deem necessary.
(4) The National Commission shall, at least once a year, hold a meeting with the National Medical Commission, Pharmacy Council of India, National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, National Commission for Homoeopathy and National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions, or the corresponding National Regulator for regulating the said professions, at such time and place as they mutually appoint, to enhance the interface between different workforce categories in modern system of medicine, develop consensus on issues and promote team based approach to healthcare delivery.
(5) Every order and decision of the National Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of its Secretary.
(6) The National Commission may delegate such of its powers of administrative and financial matters, as it deems fit, to its Secretary.
(7) The National Commission may constitute sub-committees and delegate such of its powers to such sub-committees as may be necessary to enable them to accomplish specific tasks.
Related Sections
- Section 32: Special provision in certain cases for recognition of nursing and midwifery qualifications
- Section 3: National Nursing and Midwifery Commission
- Section 52: Power to make regulations
- Section 37: Grants by Central Government
- Section 28: Recognition of nursing and Midwifery qualifications granted by Universities or nursing and midwifery institutions in India
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