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Section 14 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
Chapter VI
Inspection and Management of Local Aids to Navigation
14. Power to inspect local aids to navigation.-
(1) The Central Government may authorise any officer referred to in sub-section (1) of section 4 in writing, to enter upon at any time and inspect any local aid to navigation and make such inquiries in respect thereof or of the management thereof as such officer thinks fit.
(2) Every person having the charge of, or concerned in the management of, any local aid to navigation shall furnish to the officer authorised under sub-section (1) to inspect such aid to navigation, all such information as the officer may require.
(3) Every local authority shall furnish to the Central Government all such returns and other information in respect of the aids to navigation under its supervision and management, or of any of them, as the Central Government may require.
Related Sections
- Section 9: Powers of Central Government relating to aids to navigation
- Section 49: Protection of action taken in good faith
- Section 31: Marine aids to navigation dues payable at one port recoverable at another
- Section 20: Accreditation of training organisations
- Section 11: Powers of Central Government relating to vessel traffic services