Section 9 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

9. Powers of Central Government relating to aids to navigation.-

(1) The Central Government, shall have the following powers relating to the development, maintenance and management of general aids to navigation, namely:-

(a) establish and maintain aids to navigation;

(b) add to, alter or remove any aid to navigation;

(c) alter or vary any aid to navigation;

(d) authorise to inspect any aid to navigation which may affect the safety of navigation;

(e) authorise to enter any property, whether public or private, for the purposes of inspection of any aid to navigation;

(f) transport, or cause to be transported, any goods through any property, whether public or private, for any purpose in connection with-

(i) the maintenance of an aid to navigation; or

(ii) the establishment of any aid to navigation;

(g) acquire any land as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act-

(i) to exercise its powers; or

(ii) for the maintenance of works.

(2) The Central Government shall, for the purposes of exercising its powers under sub-section (1), authorise any of the officers referred to in sub-section (1) of section 4, by general or special order in writing.