Section 31 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

31. Marine aids to navigation dues payable at one port recoverable at another.-

(1) If the master of any ship in respect of which marine aids to navigation dues is payable at any port causes the ship to leave such port without having paid such dues, the proper officer at that port may, by writing, require the proper officer at any other port in India to which the ship may proceed, to recover the marine aids to navigation dues remaining unpaid.

(2) Any proper officer to whom such a requisition is directed, shall proceed to levy such sum as if it were payable under this Act at the port at which he is the proper officer, and a certificate by the proper officer at the port at which the marine aids to navigation dues first became payable, stating the amount payable, shall be sufficient proof in any proceeding under this Act that such amount is payable.