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Section 98 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021
The Inland Vessels Act, 2021
98. General powers of Central Government to make rules.-
(1) The Central Government may make rules for-
(a) implementation of standards for the use of special category of vessels within inland waterways;
(b) providing the requirements and standards of-
(i) river information services;
(ii) vessel traffic and transport management, safety and information services;
(iii) vessel tracing and tracking information;
(iv) to tackle calamities and furtherance of emergency preparedness;
(v) to quarantine the vessels and to adopt such other measures to effectively control any epidemic or disease of contagious nature;
(c) enforcing standards to avoid and tackle pollution arising in inland waterways;
(d) exemption, inclusion or extension of the application of any or all the provisions of this Act to any vessel registered, recognised or identified and intended to ply, or plying in the inland waters;
(e) any other matter as it may deem fit and necessary in the proper implementation of this Act for the purposes of ensuring safe navigation, safety of life and prevention of pollution caused by inland vessel.
(2) For the purposes of administration of the notifications mentioned in sub-section (1), the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, shall authorise or appoint officers by notification.