Section 24 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021

The Inland Vessels Act, 2021

24. Grant of certificate of registration and marking of vessel.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of section 23, the Registrar of Inland Vessels shall, grant the certificate of registration to the applicant, who has paid such fee, as may be prescribed by the State Government, and assign the official number to such registered vessel.

(2) The certificate of registration shall be in such form and content, as may be prescribed by the Central Government, and shall contain the following particulars, namely:-

(a) registered address of the owner and other ownership details;

(b) details of mortgage, if any;

(c) official number;

(d) classification and category of vessel;

(e) any other particular, as may be prescribed by the State Government.

(3) The owner shall display the official number on a conspicuous part of the vessel, as may be prescribed by the State Government.