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Section 22 - Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
22. Right to information.-
(1) A person with mental illness and his nominated representative shall have the rights to the following information, namely:-
(a) the provision of this Act or any other law for the time being in force under which he has been admitted, if he is being admitted, and the criteria for admission under that provision;
(b) of his right to make an application to the concerned Board for a review of the admission;
(c) the nature of the person's mental illness and the proposed treatment plan which includes information about treatment proposed and the known side effects of the proposed treatment;
(d) receive the information in a language and form that such person receiving the information can understand.
(2) In case complete information cannot be given to the person with mental illness at the time of the admission or the start of treatment, it shall be the duty of the medical officer or psychiatrist in-charge of the person's care to ensure that full information is provided promptly when the individual is in a position to receive it:
Provided that where the information has not been given to the person with mental illness at the time of the admission or the start of treatment, the medical officer or psychiatrist in charge of the person's care shall give the information to the nominated representative immediately.
Related Sections
- Section 29: Promotion of mental health and preventive programmes
- Section 20: Right to protection from cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
- Section 4: Capacity to make mental healthcare and treatment decisions
- Section 11: Power to review, alter, modify or cancel advance directive
- Section 55: Functions of State Authority
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