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Section 7 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
7. Proceedings of Central Advisory Committee not to be invalidated.-
No act or proceeding of the Central Advisory Committee shall be invalidated merely by reason of-
(a) any vacancy in, or any defect in its constitution; or
(b) any defect in appointment of a person acting as its member; or
(c) any irregularity in its procedure not affecting the merits of the case.
Related Sections
- Section 42: Evading payment of marine aids to navigation dues
- Section 13: Standards for establishment and operation of vessel traffic services
- Section 45: Place of trial and jurisdiction of court
- Section 4: Appointment of Director General, Deputy Director Generals and Directors
- Section 51: Laying of rules and notifications before Parliament
Related Acts
* Only for reference.