
Section 15 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

15. Control of local aids to navigation by Central Government.-

(1) If the Central Government is satisfied, after an inspection under section 14 or such other inquiry, that a direction under this sub-section is necessary or expedient for the safety, or otherwise, in the interests of vessels, it may direct any local authority-

(a) to remove or discontinue or to refrain from moving or discontinuing any aid to navigation under its superintendence and management or to make or refrain from making any variation in the character or mode of use of any such aid to navigation; or

(b) to erect, place or maintain, or to refrain from erecting, placing or maintaining any aid to navigation within the local limits within which the local authority exercises its powers.

(2) A local authority shall not erect, place, remove or discontinue any aid to navigation or vary the character or mode of use of any aid to navigation, unless it has given to the Central Government at least one month's notice in writing of its intention so to do:

Provided that, in cases of emergency, a local authority may take such action as it deems necessary and shall give immediate notice of the same to the Central Government and, so far as is possible, to all vessels approaching or in the vicinity of such aid to navigation.

(3) If any local authority-

(a) fails to comply with any direction made under sub-section (1); or

(b) fails to exercise or perform, or exercises or performs in an improper, inefficient or unsuitable manner, any power or duty relating to the superintendence or management of any aid to navigation conferred or imposed upon it by or under any law for the time being in force; or

(c) fails to make adequate financial provision for the performance of any such duty, the Central Government may, by order in writing, require such local authority to comply with the direction, or to make arrangements to the satisfaction of that Government for the proper exercise of the power or performance of the duty, or to make financial provision to the satisfaction of that Government for the performance of the duty, as the case may be, within such period as it may specify.

(4) If the local authority fails to comply with an order made under sub-section (3) within the specified period or within such further time as the Central Government may allow, the Central Government may exercise the power or perform the duty or make the requisite financial provision, as the case may be, and the local authority shall be liable to reimburse to the Central Government any expenditure incurred by it in so doing.