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Section 28 - Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
The Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021
28. Recovery of marine aids to navigation dues.-
(1) If the owner of any ship refuses or neglects to pay the amount of marine aids to navigation dues payable under this Act in respect of the ship, the proper officer may seize the ship along with its equipment or any part thereof, and detain the same until the amount of the marine aids to navigation dues, together with the costs of the seizure and detention is paid.
(2) If any part of such marine aids to navigation dues remains unpaid after the expiry of thirty days following the date of the seizure, the proper officer may cause the ship or other thing seized to be sold, and with the proceeds of the sale may satisfy the marine aids to navigation dues remaining unpaid, together with the costs of the sale and shall repay the surplus, if any, to the person by whom the same were payable.
Related Sections
- Section 26: Receipts relating to marine aids to navigation dues and their verification
- Section 49: Protection of action taken in good faith
- Section 39: Intentionally destroying or damaging aids to navigation or vessel traffic services
- Section 19: Certification
- Section 48: Power of Central Government to issue directions