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Section 7 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872
7. Facts which are the occasion, cause or effect of facts in issue
Facts which are the occasion, cause, or effect, immediately or otherwise, of relevant facts, or facts in issue, or which constitute the state of things under which they happened, or which afforded an opportunity for their occurrence or transaction, are relevant.
(a) The question is, whether A robbed B.
The facts that, shortly before the robbery, B went to a fair with money in his possession, and that he showed it or mentioned the fact that he had it, to third persons, are relevant.
(b) The question is whether A murdered B.
Marks on the ground, produced by a struggle at or near the place where the murder was committed, are relevant facts.
(c) The question is whether A Poisoned B.
The state of Bs health before the symptoms ascribed to poison, and habits of B, known to A, which afforded an opportunity for the administration of poison, are relevant facts.
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- Section 109: Burden of proof as to relationship in the cases of partners, landlord and tenant, principal and agent
- Section 28: Confession made after removal of impression caused by inducement, threat or promise, relevant
- Section 66: Rules as to notice to produce
- Section 15: Facts bearing on question whether act was accidental or intentional
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