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Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act, 2023
Chapter I: Preliminary
Chapter II: Appointment and Term of Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners
- Section 3: Election Commission
- Section 4: Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners
- Section 5: Qualifications of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners
- Section 6: Search Committee
- Section 7: Selection Committee
- Section 8: Power of Selection Committee to regulate its own procedure
- Section 9: Term of office
Chapter III: Salary, Allowances and Other Conditions of Service of Chief Election Commissioner and O
Chapter IV: Transaction of Business of Election Commission
Chapter V: Miscellaneous
Act Information
# Chapters: 5
# Sections: 21
* Only for reference.
Tag cloud
service (44 )
election commissioner (43 )
commissioner (37 )
office (32 )
chief (31 )
chief election (31 )
election (30 )
appointment (30 )
conditions (28 )
act (24 )
shall (22 )
term (20 )
election commissioners (17 )
date (16 )
commissioners (13 )
pension (12 )
entitled (12 )
salary (11 )
time (10 )
may (8 )