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Section 137 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Indian Evidence Act, 1872
137. Examination in chief
The examination of a witness by the party who calls him shall be called his examination in-chief.
Cross-examination- The examination of a witness by the adverse party shall be called his cross-examination.
Re-examination- The examination of a witness, subsequent to the cross-examination by the party who called him, shall be called his re-examination.
Related Sections
- Section 112: Birth during marriage, conclusive proof of legitimacy
- Section 20: Admissions by persons expressly referred to by party to suit
- Section 164: Using, as evidence, of document production of which was refused on notice
- Section 73: Comparison of signature, writing or seal with others admitted or proved
- Section 90A: Presumption as to electronic records five year old
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* Only for reference.