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Section 120 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872
Indian Evidence Act, 1872
120. Parties to civil suit, and their wives or husbands, Husbands or wife of person under criminal trial
In all civil proceedings the parties to the suit, and the husband or wife of any party to the suit, shall be competent witnesses. In criminal proceedings against any person, the husband or wife of such person , respectively, shall be a competent witness.
Related Sections
- Section 85: Presumption as to powers-of-attorney
- Section 164: Using, as evidence, of document production of which was refused on notice
- Section 32: Cases in which statement of relevant fact by person who is dead or cannot be found, etc, is relevant
- Section 100: Saving of provisions of Indian Succession Act, relating to wills
- Section 53: In criminal cases previous good character relevant
Related Acts
* Only for reference.