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Section 11 - Dam Safety Act, 2021
The Dam Safety Act, 2021
Chapter IV
State Committee on Dam Safety
11. Constitution of State Committee on Dam Safety.-
(1) With effect from such date as the State Government may, by notification, appoint, there shall be constituted, for the purposes of this Act, a State Committee on Dam Safety consisting of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Engineer-in-Chief or equivalent officer of the Department of the State responsible for Dam Safety-Chairperson, ex officio;
(b) technical and scientific officers of the rank of Chief Engineer, not exceeding six persons, from such Departments as may be decided by the State Government or from such other organisations owing specified dams-Members;
(c) the Chief Engineer or equivalent level officer of each such upstream States in cases where reservoir area of any of the specified dam of the State extends to another State-Members;
(d) the Chief Engineer or equivalent level officer of each such downstream State in cases where flood release of any of the specified dam of the State flows to a neighbouring State-Members;
(e) one representative of the Central Water Commission not below the rank of Director to be nominated by the Chairman, Central Water Commission-Member;
(f) experts in the field of hydrology or dam designs, not exceeding three, from engineering institutes--Members; and
(g) one representative of the Central Electricity Authority not below the rank of Director to be nominated by the Chairman, Central Electricity Authority-Member.
(2) The State Committee shall be constituted within a period of hundred and eighty days from the date of commencement of this Act, and reconstituted for every three years thereafter.