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Section 75 - Consumer Protection Act, 2019
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019
75. Empanelment of mediators.-
(1) For the purpose of mediation, the National Commission or the State Commission or the District Commission, as the case may be, shall prepare a panel of the mediators to be maintained by the consumer mediation cell attached to it, on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of the President and a member of that Commission.
(2) The qualifications and experience required for empanelment as mediator, the procedure for empanelment, the manner of training empanelled mediators, the fee payable to empanelled mediator, the terms and conditions for empanelment, the code of conduct for empanelled mediators, the grounds on which, and the manner in which, empanelled mediators shall be removed or empanelment shall be cancelled and other matters relating thereto, shall be such as may be specified by regulations.
(3) The panel of mediators prepared under sub-section (1) shall be valid for a period of five years, and the empanelled mediators shall be eligible to be considered for re-empanelment for another term, subject to such conditions as may be specified by regulations.
Related Sections
- Section 54: Composition of National Commission
- Section 86: Liability of product sellers
- Section 23: Designation of any statutory authority or body to function as Central Authority
- Section 42: Establishment of State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
- Section 104: Power of Central Authority to make regulations