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Section 63 - Consumer Protection Act, 2019
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019
63. Vacancy in office of President of National Commission.-
When the office of President of the National Commission is vacant or a person occupying such office is, by reason of absence or otherwise, unable to perform the duties of his office, these shall be performed by the senior-most member of the National Commission:
Provided that where a retired Judge of a High Court or a person who has been a Judicial Member is a member of the National Commission, such member or where the number of such members is more than one, the senior-most person amongst such members, shall preside over the National Commission in the absence of President of that Commission.
Related Sections
- Section 55: Qualifications, etc., of President and members of National Commission
- Section 32: Vacancy in office of member of District Commission
- Section 56: Transitional provision
- Section 78: Replacement of mediator in certain cases
- Section 71: Enforcement of orders of District Commission, State Commission and National Commission
Related Acts
* Only for reference.