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Section 50 - Code on Wages, 2019
The Code on Wages, 2019
50. Records, returns and notices.-
(1) Every employer of an establishment to which this Code applies shall maintain a register containing the details with regard to persons employed, muster roll, wages and such other details in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) Every employer shall display a notice on the notice board at a prominent place of the establishment containing the abstract of this Code, category-wise wage rates of employees, wage period, day or date and time of payment of wages, and the name and address of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction.
(3) Every employer shall issue wage slips to the employees in such form and manner as may be prescribed.
(4) The provisions of sub-sections (1) to (3) shall not apply in respect of the employer to the extent he employs not more than five persons for agriculture or domestic purpose:
Provided that such employer, when demanded, shall produce before the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, the reasonable proof of the payment of wages to the persons so employed.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this sub-section, the expression "domestic purpose" means the purpose exclusively relating to the home or family affairs of the employer and does not include any affair relating to any establishment, industry, trade, business, manufacture or occupation.
Related Sections
- Section 47: Presumption about accuracy of balance sheet and profit and loss account of corporations and companies
- Section 41: Non-applicability of this Chapter
- Section 17: Time limit for payment of wages
- Section 13: Fixing hours of work for normal working day
- Section 20: Deductions for absence from duty