Section 49 - Code on Social Security Act, 2020

49.Matters to be decided by Employees' Insurance Court.-

(1) If any question or dispute or claim arises as to-

(a) whether any person is an employee within the meaning of this Code relating to this Chapter or whether he is liable to pay the employee's contribution; or

(b) the rate of wages or average daily wages of an employee for the purposes of this Chapter; or

(c) the rate of contribution payable by an employer in respect of any employee under this Chapter; or

(d) the person who is or was the employer in respect of any employee for the purposes of this Chapter; or

(e) the right of any person to any benefit under this Chapter and as to the amount and duration thereof; or

(f) any direction issued by the Corporation on a review of any payment of dependants' benefit under this Chapter; or

(g) any other matter which is in dispute between an employer and the Corporation relating to this Chapter, or between an employer and a Contractor relating to this Chapter or between a person and the Corporation relating to this Chapter or between an employee and an employer or Contractor relating to this Chapter, in respect of any contribution or benefit or other dues payable or recoverable under this Code relating to this Chapter; or

(h) claim for the recovery of contributions from the employer under this Code relating to this Chapter; or

(i) claim under sub-section (8) of section 41 for the recovery of the value or amount of the benefits received by a person when he is not lawfully entitled thereto; or

(j) claim against an employer under section 42; or

(k) order of the appellate authority under section 126 in respect of Chapter IV; or

(l) claim by an employer to recover contributions from any contractor under this Code relating to this Chapter; or

(m) any other claim for the recovery of any benefit admissible under this Chapter, such matter shall be decided by the Employers' Insurance Court.

(2) No matter which is in dispute between an employer and the Corporation in respect of any contribution or any other dues under this Chapter shall be raised by the employer in the Employees' Insurance Court unless he has deposited with that Court fifty per cent. of the amount due from him as claimed by the Corporation:

Provided that the Employees' Insurance Court may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, waive or reduce the amount to be deposited under this sub-section.

(3) No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to decide or deal with any question or dispute as specified in sub-section (1) or to adjudicate on any liability which by or under this Code relating to this Chapter is to be decided by a medical board, or by a medical appeal tribunal or by the Employees' Insurance Court.