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Section 162 - Code on Social Security Act, 2020
162.Delegation of powers.-
The appropriate Government may, by notification, direct that all or any of the powers and functions which may be exercised or performed by that Government may, in relation to such matters and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified, be also exercisable by the Central Board, the Corporation, the National Social Security Board, the State Unorganised Workers' Board, Building Workers' Welfare Board or any officer or authority subordinate to the Central Board, the Corporation, the National Social Security Board, the State Unorganised Workers' Board, Building Workers' Welfare Board.
Related Sections
- Section 64: Payment of medical bonus
- Section 157: Power of corporation to make regulations
- Section 47: Contributions, etc., due to corporation to have priority over other debts
- Section 43: Liability of owner or occupier of factories, etc, for excessive sickness benefit
- Section 26: Purposes for which Employees' State Insurance Fund may be expended
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* Only for reference.