Section 25 - Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021

25. Functions of Board.-

The Board shall discharge the following functions, namely: -

(a) to advise the Central Government on policy matters relating to surrogacy;

(b) to review and monitor the implementation of the Act, and the rules and regulations made thereunder and recommend to the Central Government, changes therein;

(c) to lay down the code of conduct to be observed by persons working at surrogacy clinics;

(d) to set the minimum standards of physical infrastructure, laboratory and diagnostic equipment and expert manpower to be employed by the surrogacy clinics;

(e) to oversee the performance of various bodies constituted under the Act and take appropriate steps to ensure their effective performance; (f) to supervise the functioning of State Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy Boards; and

(g) such other functions as may be prescribed.