Section 66 - Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

66. State Advisory Board on disability:-

(1) Every State Government shall, by notification, constitute a body to be known as the State Advisory Board on disability to exercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the function assigned to it, under this Act.

(2) The State Advisory Board shall consist of-

(a) the Minister in charge of the Department in the State Government dealing with disability matters, Chairperson, ex officio;

(b) the Minister of State or the Deputy Minister in charge of the Department in the State Government dealing with disability matters, if any, Vice-Chairperson, ex officio;

(c) secretaries to the State Government in charge of the Departments of Disability Affairs, School Education, Literacy and Higher Education, Women and Child Development, Finance, Personnel and Training, Health and Family Welfare, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Industrial Policy and Promotion, Labour and Employment, Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Science and Technology, Information Technology, Public Enterprises, Youth Affairs and Sports, Road Transport and any other Department, which the State Government considers necessary, Members, ex officio;

(d) three Members of the State Legislature of whom two shall be elected by the Legislative Assembly and one by the Legislative Council, if any, and where there is no Legislative Council, three Members shall be elected by the Legislative Assembly, Members, ex officio;

(e) Members to be nominated by the State Government:-

(i) five Members who are experts in the field of disability and rehabilitation;

(ii) five Members to be nominated by the State Government by rotation to represent the districts in such manner as may be prescribed: Provided that no nomination under this sub-clause shall be made except on the recommendation of the district administration concerned;

(iii) ten persons as far as practicable, being persons with disabilities, to represent non-Governmental Organisations or associations which are concerned with disabilities: Provided that out of the ten persons nominated under this clause, at least, five shall be women and at least one person each shall be from the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes;

(iv) not more than three representatives of the State Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

(f) officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary in the Department dealing with disability matters in the State Government, Member-Secretary, ex officio.