Section 6 - National Forensic Sciences University Act, 2020

6. Objects of University. -

The objects of the University shall be-

(i) to facilitate and promote academic learning and practices in the field of forensic science in conjunction with applied behavioural science studies, law, legal studies, criminology and other allied areas and technology, including training, skill-development, research and extension of work with focus on emerging areas in the said fields for strengthening criminal justice institutions in the country;

(ii) to foster research and applied applications in forensic science, applied behavioural science studies, law, legal studies and other allied areas and technology for training, research and development by promoting innovations and best practices;

(iii) to promote and provide advanced institutional and research facilities in the fields of forensic science, applied behavioural science, law, legal studies and other allied areas and technology;

(iv) to create capacities and capabilities of global standards of education, training and research for development of aptitude, skills and knowledge within and outside the country at various levels in the fields of forensic science, applied behavioural science, law, legal studies and other allied areas and technology;

(v) to coordinate with the Central Government and State Governments to improve investigation, crime detection and prevention through projects and research, funded by grants-in-aid from the Central Government and State Governments, in fields of forensic science, applied behavioural science, law, legal studies, criminology and other allied areas and technology;

(vi) to advice and assist the Central Government, State Governments and Union territory Administrations in formulation of relevant policies including their review in the fields of forensic science, applied behavioural science, law, legal studies, criminology and other allied areas and technology;

(vii) to coordinate and network with the institutions having specialisation so as to expand the fields of forensic science, applied behavioural science, law, legal studies, criminology and other allied areas and technology, for promoting academics and research work through various pursuits;

(viii) to administer, maintain and manage the University and to establish such off-site campus and off-shore centres for education, training and research as are necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the University within and outside the country;

(ix) to assist the Central Government or State Governments to accredit forensic science laboratories, provide standard operating procedures, and lay down specifications for forensic equipment and kits to be used for forensic work in the country;

(x) to set-up campus, colleges, schools, centres and institutions of excellence for imparting State of-the-art education, training and research in the fields of forensic science, cyber security and digital forensics, behavioural science, technology and management;

(xi) to assist the Central Government to create and maintain national forensic data base required for criminal investigation, including fingerprints, voice, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), firearms, counterfeit currency, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, cyber security, cyber defence and internal security;

(xii) to undertake special projects for Central Government and State Governments; and

(xiii) to undertake any other objects, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act which the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf.