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Section 31 - Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
31. Appropriate Government to take measures as regard to human resource development and training, etc.-
(1) The appropriate Government shall take measures to address the human resource requirements of mental health services in the country by planning, developing and implementing educational and training programmes in collaboration with institutions of higher education and training, to increase the human resources available to deliver mental health interventions and to improve the skills of the available human resources to better address the needs of persons with mental illness.
(2) The appropriate Government shall, at the minimum, train all medical officers in public healthcare establishments and all medical officers in the prisons or jails to provide basic and emergency mental healthcare.
(3) The appropriate Government shall make efforts to meet internationally accepted guidelines for number of mental health professionals on the basis of population, within ten years from the commencement of this Act.
Related Sections
- Section 108: Punishment for contravention of provisions of the Act or rules or regulations made thereunder
- Section 60: Annual report of Central Authority
- Section 116: Bar of jurisdiction
- Section 1: Short title, extent and commencement
- Section 71: Maintenance of register of mental health establishment in digital format