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Section 25 - Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
25. Right to access medical records.-
(1) All persons with mental illness shall have the right to access their basic medical records as may be prescribed.
(2) The mental health professional in charge of such records may withhold specific information in the medical records if disclosure would result in,-
(a) serious mental harm to the person with mental illness; or
(b) likelihood of harm to other persons.
(3) When any information in the medical records is withheld from the person, the mental health professional shall inform the person with mental illness of his right to apply to the concerned Board for an order to release such information.
Related Sections
- Section 21: Right to equality and non-discrimination
- Section 101: Report to Magistrate of person with mental illness in private residence who is ill-treated or neglected
- Section 39: Member not to participate in meetings in certain cases
- Section 52: Officers and other employees of State Authority
- Section 50: Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of State Authority
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* Only for reference.