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Section 105 - Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Act, 2016
105. Repayment plan.-
(1) The debtor shall prepare, in consultation with the resolution professional, a repayment plan containing a proposal to the creditors for restructuring of his debts or affairs.
(2) The repayment plan may authorise or require the resolution professional to-
(a) carry on the debtor's business or trade on his behalf or in his name; or
(b) realise the assets of the debtor; or
(c) administer or dispose of any funds of the debtor.
(3) The repayment plan shall include the following, namely:-
(a) justification for preparation of such repayment plan and reasons on the basis of which the creditors may agree upon the plan;
(b) provision for payment of fee to the resolution professional;
(c) such other matters as may be specified.
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* Only for reference.