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Section 79 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021
The Inland Vessels Act, 2021
79. Power of State Government to suspend, cancel and confiscate certificate.-
(1) The State Government, in whose jurisdiction the certificate of competency or a certificate of service was granted under Chapter VI, may cancel or suspend any such certificate or, in the event of the vessel being found in the jurisdiction of another State Government, such State Government may confiscate the certificate, if,-
(a) on any inquiry made under this Chapter, the District Magistrate reports for cancellation or suspension or confiscation of that certificate under section 78; or
(b) the holder of such certificate is proved to have been convicted of any non-bailable offence; or
(c) the holder of such certificate is proved to have deserted his vessel or has absented himself without leave and without sufficient reason, from his vessel or from his duty; or
(d) in the case of a person holding any designation as provided by the certificate of competency or certificate of service, is or has become, in the opinion of the State Government, unfit to act in such designation, as the case may be.
(2) Every person whose certificate of competency or a certificate of service is suspended or cancelled under this Chapter shall deliver it to such person as the State Government, which suspended or cancelled it, may direct.
(3) If any State Government cancels, suspends or confiscates the certificate of competency or a certificate of service granted under Chapter VI, the proceedings and the fact of confiscation and recommendation for suspension or cancellation, shall be reported to the State Government which has originally issued, granted or endorsed such certificates.
(4) The State Government may, at any time, revoke any order of suspension or cancellation or confiscation which it may have made under this Chapter, or grant a certificate anew, for reasons to be recorded in writing, to any person whose certificate it has so cancelled and such certificate granted anew, shall have the same effect as a certificate of competency granted under this Act after examination.