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Section 50 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021
The Inland Vessels Act, 2021
50. Assistance to vessels in distress and persons in distress.-
(1) The master of any mechanically propelled vessel, while in the inland water limit, who has received any signal of distress from any vessel or aircraft within the inland water limit, shall proceed immediately to the assistance of the persons in distress by acknowledging the receipt of such signal to the vessel in distress.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the master of a mechanically propelled vessel shall be released from the obligation to render assistance as provided in the said sub-section, if he is unable to do so, or in the special circumstances of the case, considers it unreasonable to act as provided in the said sub-section, or if the requirement for assistance is being complied with by other vessels, or the assistance is no longer required.
(3) The master of any mechanically propelled vessel, while in the inland water limit, shall render assistance to every person found in danger of being lost in the inland waters.
(4) The master of any mechanically propelled inland vessel may abstain from complying with sub-section (3), if in his judgment, he is unable to or, in the special circumstances of the case, such assistance may not be rendered without serious danger to his vessel, or to the persons on board and, in such event shall inform the respective authorities regarding his inability of such non-compliance.
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