Section 23 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021

The Inland Vessels Act, 2021

23. Application and processes of registration of vessels.-

(1) The owner or master, may make an application for registration of a mechanically propelled inland vessel, which has a valid certificate of survey issued under this Act, in such form, manner and along with such particulars, as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

(2) The list of documents to be submitted or adduced by the applicants for registration, in addition to the particulars referred to in sub-section (1), shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

(3) Every application for registration shall be made to the Registrar of Inland Vessels, within the jurisdiction of the respective State in which the owner of the mechanically propelled inland vessel-

(a) ordinarily resides; or

(b) has the principal place of business or the officially registered office.

(4) If the Registrar of Inland Vessels is satisfied that the vessel or the application submitted for registration is not in compliance with the provisions of this Act, he may refuse to register a mechanically propelled inland vessel for reasons to be recorded in writing and shall provide the applicant a note containing the reasons for such refusal.