
Section 15 - Inland Vessels Act, 2021

The Inland Vessels Act, 2021

15. Suspension and cancellation of certificate of survey.-

(1) The State Government may suspend or cancel a certificate of survey, if it has reason to believe that-

(a) the declaration of the surveyor of the sufficiency and good condition of the hull, engines or other machinery or of any of the equipment of the mechanically propelled vessel has been fraudulently or erroneously made; or

(b) the certificate has otherwise been granted upon false or erroneous information; or

(c) since the making of the declaration, the hull, engine or other machinery, or any of the equipment of the mechanically propelled vessel have sustained any material damage, or have otherwise become insufficient.

(2) The State Government shall issue the notice of suspension of certificate of survey to the owner, operator, master or construction yard by stating the errors to be rectified and conditions that have to be complied with by the owner, operator, master or construction yard within three months from the date of issuance of such notice, in such manner as may be prescribed by that Government.

(3) In the event of non-compliance of the notice of suspension by the owner, operator, master or construction yard within the period specified therein, the State Government shall record such non-compliance and shall issue the notice of cancellation of certificate of survey, which shall come into force with immediate effect.