Section 37 - Indian Antarctic Act, 2022

The Indian Antarctic Act, 2022

37. Storage of wastes.-

(1) All waste to be removed from Antarctica, or otherwise disposed of by the generators of such waste, shall be segregated, contained, confined and stored in such a way so as to prevent their dispersal into the environment.

(2) The containers and tank-systems holding or used for storing hazardous waste shall be-

(a) in good and non-leaking condition;

(b) made of or lined with materials which will not react with, and are otherwise compatible with, the waste to be stored, so that the ability of the containers to contain such waste is not impaired;

(c) stored in a manner that allows access for inspection and response to emergencies; and

(d) inspected at least once in a week for identifying any leakage and deterioration thereof and shall be documented.