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Section 25 - Indian Antarctic Act, 2022
The Indian Antarctic Act, 2022
25. Functions of Committee.-
The Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:-
(a) monitor, implement and ensure compliance of the relevant international laws, emission standards and rules for the protection of Antarctic environment by the Operators or by any other persons engaged in programmes and activities in Antarctica;
(b) undertake any advisory, supervisory or enforcement activities in relation to programmes and activities in Antarctica;
(c) obtain and review relevant information and reports provided by Parties to the Treaty, the Convention, the Protocol and other Parties engaged in programmes and activities in Antarctica;
(d) maintain records pertaining to the programmes and activities conducted by Parties in Antarctica;
(e) ensure that the programmes and activities are consistent with India's obligations under the Treaty, the Convention, the Protocol and with such other relevant law for the time being in force in India;
(f) determine the terms and conditions of the permit issued under this Act;
(g) negotiate fees or charges with other Parties to the Treaty, the Convention and the Protocol on a case to case basis in respect of the programmes and activities in Antarctica;
(h) collaborate with other Parties to attain the above goals; and
(i) such other functions as may be delegated to it by the Central Government.