Section 28 - India International Arbitration Centre Act, 2019

The India International Arbitration Centre Act, 2019

Chapter V

Chamber of Arbitration and Arbitration Academy

28. Chamber of arbitration.-

(1) The Centre shall, establish a Chamber of Arbitration 1[to] empanel the Arbitrators and also scrutinise the applications for admission in the panel of reputed arbitrators to maintain a permanent panel of arbitrators.

(2) The Chamber of Arbitration shall consist of experienced arbitration practitioners of repute, at national and international level and persons having wide experience in the area of alternative dispute resolution and conciliation.

(3) The Centre shall by regulations lay down the criteria for admission to the panel of the cadre so as to maintain a pool of reputed arbitrators having expertise in international commercial arbitration and arbitration other than international commercial arbitration.

(4) The Registrar to the Secretariat of the Centre shall act as the Member-Secretary to the Chamber of Arbitration.

1. Subs. by Act 23 of 2022, s. 13, for "which shall" (w.e.f. 27-1-2023).