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Section 12 - India International Arbitration Centre Act, 2019
The India International Arbitration Centre Act, 2019
12. Duties of persons in charge of management of undertakings to deliver all assets.-
(1) On the vesting of the management of the undertakings in the Centre or on the appointment of a Custodian under sub-section (2) of section 11, all persons in charge of management of the undertakings immediately before such vesting or appointment shall be bound to deliver to the Centre or Custodian, as the case may be, all assets, books of account, registers and other documents in their custody relating to the undertakings.
(2) The Central Government may issue such directions as it may deem desirable in the circumstances of the case to the Custodian as to the powers and duties of the Custodian and such Custodian may also, if it is considered necessary so to do, apply to the Central Government at any time for instructions as to the manner in which the management of the undertaking shall be conducted or in relation to any other matter arising in the course of such management.
(3) Any person who on the specified date, has in his possession or under his control, any books, documents or other papers relating to the undertakings shall be liable to account for the said books, documents or other papers to the Central Government or the Custodian or the Centre, as the case may be, and shall deliver them to the Central Government or the Custodian or the Centre or to such person or body of persons as the Central Government or the Centre may specify in this behalf.
(4) The Central Government or the Centre may take or cause to be taken, all necessary steps for securing possession of all undertakings which have vested in the Central Government or the Centre under this Act.
(5) The Society shall, within such period as the Central Government may allow in this behalf, furnish to that Government a complete inventory of all its properties and assets, as on the commencement of the New Delhi International Arbitration Centre Ordinance, 2019 (Ord. 10 of 2019) pertaining to the undertaking and for this purpose, the Central Government or Custodian or the Centre shall afford to the Society, or body all reasonable facilities.