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Section 43 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872
43. Judgment, etc., other than those mentioned in sections 40 to 42, when relevant
Judgments, orders or decrees, other than those mentioned in sections 40, 41 and 42, are irrelevant, unless the existence of such judgment, order or decree, is a fact in issue, or is relevant under some other provision of this Act.
(a) A and B separately sue C for a libel which reflects upon each of them. C in each case says, that the matter alleged to be libelous is true, and the circumstances are such that it is probably true in each case, or in neither.
A obtains a decree against C for damages on the ground that C failed to make out his justification. The fact is irrelevant as between B and C.
(b) A prosecutes B for adultery with C, As wife.
B denies that C is As wife, but the Court convicts B of adultery.
Afterwards, C is prosecuted for bigamy in marrying B during As lifetime. C says that she never was As wife
The judgment against B is irrelevant as against C.
(c) A prosecutes B for stealing a cow from him, B is convicted.
A afterwards sues C for the cow, which B had sold to him before his conviction. As between A and C, the judgment against B is irrelevant.
(d) A has obtained a decree for the possession of land against B, C, Bs son, murders A is consequence.
The existence of the judgment is relevant, as showing motive for a crime.
29 [(e) A is charged with theft and with having been previously convicted of theft. The previous conviction is relevant as a fact in issue.
(f) A is tried for the murder of B. The fact that B prosecuted A for libel and that A was convicted and sentenced is relevant under section 8 as showing the motive for the fact in issue.
Related Sections
- Section 69: Proof where no attesting witness found
- Section 163: Giving, as evidence, of document called for and produced on notice
- Section 158: What matters may be proved in connection with proved statement relevant under section 32 or 33
- Section 161: Right of adverse party as to writing used to refresh memory
- Section 53: In criminal cases previous good character relevant