Section 35 - Dam Safety Act, 2021

The Dam Safety Act, 2021

Chapter VIII

Emegency Action Plan and Disaster Management

35. Obligation of owner of specified dam.-

(1) Every owner of a specified dam, in respect of each specified dam, shall, -

(a) establish well designed hydro-meteorological network and an inflow forecasting system;

(b) establish an emergency flood warning system for the probable flood affected areas downstream of the dam;

(c) test or cause to be tested periodically the functioning of systems referred to in clauses (a) and (b);

(d) install such scientific and technical instruments which are invented or adopted from time to time for the purpose of ensuring the dam safety and the life and property of people downstream;

(e) make available the information relating to maximum anticipated inflows and outflows including flood warning and an adverse impact of the same, if any, on persons and property towards the upstream or downstream of the dam, to the concerned district authorities and also make available the information in public domain; and

(f) render necessary assistance to the Authority in establishment and running of the early warning system for the exchange of real time hydrological and meteorological data and information related to the operation of reservoirs.

(2) Every owner of a specified dam, for each of its dam shall, carry out risk assessment studies at such interval as may be specified by the regulations and the first such study shall be made within five years from the date of commencement of this Act.