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Section 31 - Dam Safety Act, 2021
The Dam Safety Act, 2021
31. Inspection.-
(1) Every owner of a specified dam shall undertake every year, through their dam safety unit, a pre-monsoon and post-monsoon inspections in respect of each such dam.
(2) Without prejudice to sub-section (1), every owner of a specified dam shall inspect or cause to be inspected every specified dam by the dam safety unit, during and after every flood, earthquake or any other natural or man-made calamities, or if any sign of distress or unusual behaviour is noticed in the dam.
(3) Every owner of a specified dam shall, -
(a) carry out all inspections referred to in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) in accordance with the guidelines and check-lists as may be specified by the regulations;
(b) station, at each of the specified dam site throughout the monsoon period, such engineers and other technical personnel, as may be decided, in consultation with the State Dam Safety Organisation:
Provided that the engineers and other technical personnel shall be required to be stationed at their respective dam sites during entire period of emergency following any other natural or man-made calamity that may create distress conditions in the dam; and
(c) forward the inspection report by the dam safety unit to the State Dam Safety Organisation, which shall analyse the report and submit comments on the deficiency and remedial measures, if any, to the owner of the specified dam.