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Section 331 - Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
331.Resumption of inquiry or trial.-
(1) Whenever an inquiry or a trial is postponed under section 328 or section 329, the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, may at any time after the person concerned has ceased to be of unsound mind, resume the inquiry or trial, and require the accused to appear or be brought before such Magistrate or Court. (2) When the accused has been released under section 330, and the sureties for his appearance produce him to the officer whom the Magistrate or Court appoints in this behalf , the certificate of such officer that the accused is capable of making his defense shall be receivable in evidence.
Related Sections
- Section 326: Conviction or commitment on evidence partly recorded by one Magistrate and partly by another
- Section 416: Postponement of capital sentence on pregnant woman
- Section 70: Form of warrant of arrest and duration
- Section 411: Making over or withdrawal of cases by Executive Magistrates
- Section 335: Person acquitted on such ground to be detained in safe custody
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* Only for reference.