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Section 265 - Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
265.Language of record and judgment.-
(1) Every such record and judgment shall be written in the language of the Court.
(2) The High Court may authorize any Magistrate empowered to try offences summarily to prepare the aforesaid record or judgment or both by means of an officer appointed in this behalf by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and the record or judgment so prepared shall be signed by such Magistrate.
Related Sections
- Section 381: Appeal to Court of Session how heard
- Section 369: Confirmation or new sentence to be signed by two Judges
- Section 133: Conditional order for removal of nuisance
- Section 81: Procedure by Magistrate before whom such person arrested is brought
- Section 41: When police may arrest without warrant
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* Only for reference.