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Section 209 - Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
209.Commitment of case to Court of Session when offence is triable exclusively by it.-
When in a case instituted on a police report or otherwise, the accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate and it appears to the Magistrate that the offence is triable exclusively by the Court of Session, he shall-
(a) commit the case to the Court of Session;
(b) subject to the provisions of this Code relating to bail, remand the accused to custody during, and until the conclusion of, the trial;
(c) send to that Court the record of the case and the documents and articles, if any, which are to be produced in evidence;
(d) notify the Public Prosecutor of the commitment of the case to the Court of Session.
Related Sections
- Section 95: Power to declare certain publications forfeited and to issue search-warrants for the same
- Section 41: When police may arrest without warrant
- Section 181: Place of trial in case of certain offences
- Section 400: Power of Additional Sessions Judge
- Section 84: Claims and objections to attachment
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* Only for reference.