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Section 111 - Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973
111. Order to be made.-
When a Magistrate acting under section 107, section 108, section 109 or section 110, deems it necessary to require any person to show cause under such section, he shall make an order in writing, setting forth the substance of the information received, the amount of the bond to be executed, the term for which it is to be in force, and the number, character and class of sureties (if any) required.
Related Sections
- Section 483: Duty of High Court to exercise continuous superintendence over Courts of Judicial Magistrates
- Section 354: Language and contents of judgment
- Section 356: Order for notifying address of previously convicted offender
- Section 228: Framing of charge
- Section 404: Statement by Metropolitan Magistrate of grounds of his decision to be considered by High Court
Related Acts
* Only for reference.