Section 25 - Code on Social Security Act, 2020

25. Employees' State Insurance Fund.-

(1) All contributions and user charges paid under this Chapter and all other moneys received on behalf of the Corporation shall be paid into a fund (hereinafter referred to as the Employees' State Insurance Fund) which shall be held and administered by the Corporation for the purposes of this Code:

Provided that the user charges collected from the other beneficiaries referred to in section 44 shall be deemed to be contribution and shall form part of Employees' State Insurance Corporation.

(2) The Corporation may accept grants, donations, Corporate Social Responsibility Fund and gifts from the Central or any State Government, local authority, or any individual or body whether incorporated or not, for all or any of the purposes of this Chapter.

(3) Subject to the other provisions contained in this Code and to any rules or regulations made in this behalf, all moneys accruing or payable to the said Fund shall be deposited in such bank or banks as may be approved by the Central Government to the credit of an account styled the account of the Employees' State Insurance Fund.

(4) The Employees State Insurance Fund or any other money which is held by the Corporation shall be deposited or invested in the manner prescribed by the Central Government and the account referred to in sub-section (3) shall be operated by such officers as may be authorised by the Committee constituted under sub-section (3) of section 5 (hereinafter referred to as the Standing Committee) with the approval of the Corporation.