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Section 159 - Code on Social Security Act, 2020
159. Rules to give effect to arrangements with other countries for the transfer of money paid as compensation.-
(1) The Central Government may, by notification, make rules for the transfer to any foreign country of money deposited with a competent authority under Chapter VII which has been awarded to or may be due to, any person residing or about to reside in such foreign country and for the receipt, distribution and administration in any State of any money deposited under the law relating to employees' compensation in any foreign country, which has been awarded to, or may be due to any person residing or about to reside in any State:
Provided that no sum deposited under Chapter VII in respect of fatal accidents shall be so transferred without the consent of the employer concerned after the competent authority receiving the sum has passed orders determining its distribution and apportionment under section 81.
(2) Where money deposited with a competent authority has been so transferred in accordance with the rules made under this section, the provisions elsewhere contained in this Code regarding distribution by the competent authority of compensation deposited with him shall cease to apply in respect of any such money.
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