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Section 145 - Code on Social Security Act, 2020
145. Liability in case of transfer of establishment.-
Where an employer transfers his establishment in whole or in part, by sale, gift, lease or licence or in any other manner whatsoever, the employer and the person to whom the establishment is so transferred shall jointly and severally be liable to pay the amount due in respect of any liabilities, cess or any other amount payable under this Code in respect of the periods up to the date of such transfer:
Provided that the liability of the transferee shall be limited to the value of the assets obtained by him by such transfer.
Related Sections
- Section 4: Constitution of Board of Trustees of Employees' Provident Fund
- Section 60: Right to payment of maternity benefit
- Section 12: State Board, Regional Boards, local committees, etc
- Section 43: Liability of owner or occupier of factories, etc, for excessive sickness benefit
- Section 124: Employer not to reduce wages, etc
Related Acts
* Only for reference.